299 research outputs found

    Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz – цінна олійна рослина

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    Purpose of the study – determine production, energy, and introduction potentials of various forms of Camelina sativa as a perspective raw plant material for biofuel production. Material and methods. Research results on various forms and cultivars of Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz created in M.M Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine in collaboration with Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics of the NAS of Ukraine are presented. Lipid content was estimated using Soxtherm extraction system. Method of reverse phase liquid chromatography was applied to evaluate triglyceride content. The energy value of samples was calculated with C200 calorimeter system. Results. We established that the most productive yield of above-ground plant mass of Camelina sativa is reached when a planting of seeds is done from the third decade of april to the third decade of may. Camelina sativa plants can provide 13,92–25,20 t/ha yield of above ground plant mass. The highest value of plant biomass (above ground mass, seeds, roots) is produced by Peremoga and Euro-12 cultivars. Camelina sativa plants can produce 3237–4111 kg/ha of seed harvest. Various forms and cultivars of Camelina sativa are distinguished by high energy value of their seeds (5678–5965 Kcal/ha) and a reasonable energy yield per one square unit (18,72–23,95 Gcal/ha). Seeds of Camelina sativa have rich lipid value (36,04–43,89%), what can yield 1058–1330 kg/ha during harvest. High heat capacity of Camelina sativa oil results in substantial amounts of generated energy (9,80–12,35 Gcal/ha). The greatest yield on lipids and therefore on energy production from plants seeds are most common for Peremoga, Euro-12 cultivars and EORGHJAF-4 form. Increased quantities of linolenic, linoleic, oleic, gondoic (11-eicosenoic acid) palmitic, and erucic acids are found in all forms and cultivars of Camelina sativa. The highest quantities of polyunsaturated linolenic are prevalent for EORGHJAFD (38,271 %) and Euro-12 (35,564%). Increased quantity of linoleic acid is determined for Klondayk cultivar and EORGHJAF-4, EORGHJAFD, EORGHJAFCH forms. Among experimental plants suitable for food purposes the most attention is drawn to forms and cultivars with high oleic acid EORGHJAF-2 (18,467 %), Mirag (17,482 %) and Peremoga (17,319 %). Conclusions. Forms EORGHJAFCHP, EORGHJAF-5 and cultivar Euro-12 of Camelina sativa with increased erucic acid content are used for industrial and energy purposes. Fatty acid rich composition of Camelina sativa oil makes it valuable raw material for energy, food, medicine and industrial purposes.Мета роботи – встановити продуктивний, енергетичний та інтродукційний потенціал форм і сортів Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz як перспективної сировинної рослини для виробництва біопалива. Матеріал та методи. Досліджено форми та сорти Camelina sativa, створені у НБС ім. М.М. Гришка НАН України спільно з ДУ “Інститут харчової біотехнології та геноміки” НАН України. Вміст ліпідів у насінні визначали методом знежиреного залишку за допомогою апарата Сокслета. Ліпіди одержували із подрібненого насіння екстракцією петролейним ефіром. Тригліцеридний склад олії визначали методом неводної обернено-фазової рідинної хроматографії. Визначення енергетичної цінності зразків здійснювали на калориметрі “ИСО-200”. Результати. Доведено, що для створення насінних посівів з високою продуктивністю рослин Camelina sativa кращим періодом сівби є ІІІ декада квітня – ІІІ декада травня. Рослини Сamelina sativa забезпечують високу урожайність надземної маси (13,92 – 25,20 т/га). Найбільшу загальну та надземну масу, а також масу насіння і коріння формують сорти Перемога та Євро-12. Для рослин Сamelina sativa характерна висока насінна продуктивність (3237 – 4111 кг/га). Насіння різних форм та сортів вирізняється високою енергетичною цінністю (5678 – 5965 ккал/кг) та великим виходом енергії з одиниці площі (18,72 – 23,95 Гкал/га). Характерною особливістю рослин є високий вміст ліпідів (36,04 – 43,89 %) у насінні та великий їх вихід з урожаєм (1058 – 1330 кг/га). Установлено, що олія Сamelina sativa має високу теплоємність, що забезпечує великий вихід енергії з одиниці площі (9,80 – 12,35 Гкал/га). Як за виходом ліпідів з насіння, так і за виходом енергії з олії переважали сорти Перемога, Євро-12 та форма ЕОРЖЯФ-4. Для всіх форм та сортів рослин Camelina sativa характерним є високий вміст ліноленової, лінолевої, олеїнової, гондоїнової (11-ейкозенової), пальмітинової та ерукової кислот. Най більший вміст поліненасиченої ліноленової кислоти мають форма ЕОРЖЯФД (38,271 %) та сорт Євро-12 (35,564 %). Сорт Колондайк та форми ЕОРЖЯФ-4, ЕОРЖЯФД, ЕОРЖЯФЧ відрізнялися вищим вмістом лінолевої кислоти, форма ЕОРЖЯФ-2 та сорти Міраж і Перемога – вищим вмістом олеїнової кислоти. Висновки. Для використання олії Camelina sativa для технічних та енергетичних цілей цінними є форми ЕОРЖЯФЧП, ЕОРЖЯФ-5 та сорт Євро-12, які характеризуються високим вмістом ерукової кислоти. За жирнокислотним складом олія Camelina sativa – цінна сировина для енергетичних, технічних, харчових та лікарських цілей

    Theoretical description of the ferromagnetic π\pi -junctions near the critical temperature

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    The theory of ferromagnetic Pi-junction near the critical temperature is presented. It is demonstrated that in the dirty limit the modified Usadel equation adequately describes the proximity effect in ferromagnets. To provide the description of an experimentally relevant situation, oscillations of the Josephson critical current are calculated as a function of ferromagnetic layer thickness for different transparencies of the superconductor-ferromagnet interfaces.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Periodic alternating 0,π0,\pi-junction structures as realization of ϕ\phi-Josephson junctions

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    We consider the properties of a periodic structure consisting of small alternating 0- and pi- Josephson junctions. We show that depending on the relation between the lengths of the individual junctions, this system can be either in the homogeneous or in the phase-modulated state. The modulated phase appears via a second order phase transition when the mismatch between the lengths of the individual junctions exceeds the critical value. The screening length diverges at the transition point. In the modulated state, the equilibrium phase difference in the structure can take any value from -pi to pi (phi-junction). The current-phase relation in this structure has very unusual shape with two maxima. As a consequence, the field dependence of the critical current in a small structure is very different from the standard Fraunhofer dependence. The Josephson vortex in a long structure carries partial magnetic flux, which is determined by the equilibrium phase.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figues, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Digging into acceptor splice site prediction : an iterative feature selection approach

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    Feature selection techniques are often used to reduce data dimensionality, increase classification performance, and gain insight into the processes that generated the data. In this paper, we describe an iterative procedure of feature selection and feature construction steps, improving the classification of acceptor splice sites, an important subtask of gene prediction. We show that acceptor prediction can benefit from feature selection, and describe how feature selection techniques can be used to gain new insights in the classification of acceptor sites. This is illustrated by the identification of a new, biologically motivated feature: the AG-scanning feature. The results described in this paper contribute both to the domain of gene prediction, and to research in feature selection techniques, describing a new wrapper based feature weighting method that aids in knowledge discovery when dealing with complex datasets

    Manifestation of triplet superconductivity in superconductor-ferromagnet structures

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    We study proximity effects in a multilayered superconductor/ferromagnet (S/F) structure with arbitrary relative directions of the magnetization M{\bf M}. If the magnetizations of different layers are collinear the superconducting condensate function induced in the F layers has only a singlet component and a triplet one with a zero projection of the total magnetic moment of the Cooper pairs on the M{\bf M} direction. In this case the condensate penetrates the F layers over a short length ξJ\xi_J determined by the exchange energy JJ. If the magnetizations M{\bf M} are not collinear the triplet component has, in addition to the zero projection, the projections ±1\pm1. The latter component is even in the momentum, odd in the Matsubara frequency and penetrates the F layers over a long distance that increases with decreasing temperature and does not depend on JJ (spin-orbit interaction limits this length). If the thickness of the F layers is much larger than ξJ\xi_J, the Josephson coupling between neighboring S layers is provided only by the triplet component, so that a new type of superconductivity arises in the transverse direction of the structure. The Josephson critical current is positive (negative) for the case of a positive (negative) chirality of the vector M{\bf M}. We demonstrate that this type of the triplet condensate can be detected also by measuring the density of states in F/S/F structures.Comment: 14 pages; 9 figures. Final version, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Proximity effects and characteristic lengths in ferromagnet-superconductor structures

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    We present an extensive theoretical investigation of the proximity effects that occur in Ferromagnet/Superconductor (F/SF/S) systems. We use a numerical method to solve self consistently the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations in the continuum. We obtain the pair amplitude and the local density of states (DOS), and use these results to extract the relevant lengths characterizing the leakage of superconductivity into the magnet and to study spin splitting into the superconductor. These phenomena are investigated as a function of parameters such as temperature, magnet polarization, interfacial scattering, sample size and Fermi wavevector mismatch, all of which turn out to have important influence on the results. These comprehensive results should help characterize and analyze future data and are shown to be in agreement with existing experiments.Comment: 24 pages, including 26 figure

    Josephson Coupling and Fiske Dynamics in Ferromagnetic Tunnel Junctions

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    We report on the fabrication of Nb/AlO_x/Pd_{0.82}Ni_{0.18}/Nb superconductor/insulator/ferromagnetic metal/superconductor (SIFS) Josephson junctions with high critical current densities, large normal resistance times area products, high quality factors, and very good spatial uniformity. For these junctions a transition from 0- to \pi-coupling is observed for a thickness d_F ~ 6 nm of the ferromagnetic Pd_{0.82}Ni_{0.18} interlayer. The magnetic field dependence of the \pi-coupled junctions demonstrates good spatial homogeneity of the tunneling barrier and ferromagnetic interlayer. Magnetic characterization shows that the Pd_{0.82}Ni_{0.18} has an out-of-plane anisotropy and large saturation magnetization, indicating negligible dead layers at the interfaces. A careful analysis of Fiske modes provides information on the junction quality factor and the relevant damping mechanisms up to about 400 GHz. Whereas losses due to quasiparticle tunneling dominate at low frequencies, the damping is dominated by the finite surface resistance of the junction electrodes at high frequencies. High quality factors of up to 30 around 200 GHz have been achieved. Our analysis shows that the fabricated junctions are promising for applications in superconducting quantum circuits or quantum tunneling experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Measurement of double beta decay of 100Mo to excited states in the NEMO 3 experiment

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    The double beta decay of 100Mo to the 0^+_1 and 2^+_1 excited states of 100Ru is studied using the NEMO 3 data. After the analysis of 8024 h of data the half-life for the two-neutrino double beta decay of 100Mo to the excited 0^+_1 state is measured to be T^(2nu)_1/2 = [5.7^{+1.3}_{-0.9}(stat)+/-0.8(syst)]x 10^20 y. The signal-to-background ratio is equal to 3. Information about energy and angular distributions of emitted electrons is also obtained. No evidence for neutrinoless double beta decay to the excited 0^+_1 state has been found. The corresponding half-life limit is T^(0nu)_1/2(0^+ --> 0^+_1) > 8.9 x 10^22 y (at 90% C.L.). The search for the double beta decay to the 2^+_1 excited state has allowed the determination of limits on the half-life for the two neutrino mode T^(2nu)_1/2(0^+ --> 2^+_1) > 1.1 x 10^21 y (at 90% C.L.) and for the neutrinoless mode T^(0nu)_1/2(0^+ --> 2^+_1) > 1.6 x 10^23 y (at 90% C.L.).Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, submitted to Nucl. Phy

    Physical conditions in QSO absorbers from fine-structure absorption lines

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    We calculate theoretical population ratios of the ground fine-structure levels of some atoms/ions which typically exhibit UV lines in the spectra of QSO absorbers redward the Ly-alpha forest: C0, C+, O0, Si+ and Fe+. The most reliable atomic data available is employed and a variety of excitation mechanisms considered: collisions with several particles in the medium, direct excitation by photons from the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) and fluorescence induced by a UV field present. The theoretical population ratios are confronted with the corresponding column density ratios of C I and C II lines observed in damped Ly-alpha (DLA) and Lyman Limit (LL) systems collected in the recent literature to infer their physical conditions. The volumetric density of neutral hydrogen in DLA systems is constrained to be lower than tens of cm^-3 (or a few cm^-3 in the best cases) and the UV radiation field intensity must be lower than two orders of magnitude the radiation field of the Galaxy (one order of magnitude in the best cases). Their characteristic sizes are higher than a few pc (tens of pc in the best cases) and lower limits for their total masses vary from 10^0 to 10^5 solar masses. For the only LL system in our sample, the electronic density is constrained to be n_e<0.15 cm^-3. We suggest that the fine-structure lines may be used to discriminate between the current accepted picture of the UV extragalatic background as the source of ionization in these systems against a local origin for the ionizing radiation as supported by some authors. We also investigate the validity of the temperature-redshift relation of the CMBR predicted by the standard model and study the case for alternative models.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure

    Search for direct production of charginos and neutralinos in events with three leptons and missing transverse momentum in √s = 7 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for the direct production of charginos and neutralinos in final states with three electrons or muons and missing transverse momentum is presented. The analysis is based on 4.7 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data delivered by the Large Hadron Collider and recorded with the ATLAS detector. Observations are consistent with Standard Model expectations in three signal regions that are either depleted or enriched in Z-boson decays. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set in R-parity conserving phenomenological minimal supersymmetric models and in simplified models, significantly extending previous results